Why diversity conversations must include men - Women's Agenda

Why diversity conversations must include men

Diversity and inclusion are hot topics right now.  Everyone seems to be talking about them, yet we’re not making much progress towards action. Why is that?

I believe it’s because the discussion is one sided. While it looks like everyone is talking, there’s an entire segment of the population missing from the conversation and it’s our men. There aren’t enough men contributing to the discussion, particularly on the topic of gender diversity. 

Research shows that the more men know about gender inequalities, the more likely they are to lead efforts to close the gender gap, so their absence from the discussion is not due to disinterest. Somehow we’re leaving them out.

Have we become too politically correct? Do we build focus groups or change committees comprised solely of the “disadvantaged” group? Do we rush to build committees filled with women to work on gender diversity?

Let’s not forget that the workplace is an eco-system, and a change to one component has an impact on the rest. How can we develop a balanced and inclusive diversity eco-system if it’s built purely by women? Trying to change the workplace without involving men is a recipe for failure.

It’s not just the outcome that needs to be inclusive; it’s the whole process from idea through discussion and into decision making and driving action. We need input from men, women, old, young and everything else. We need everyone to speak up.

LeadershipHQ’s Diversity Debate Dinner is designed to put balance back into the discussion so that we create real, workable and sustainable change that improves life for all of us.

The Diversity Debate Dinner is coming to Melbourne and Sydney. In addition to high profile speakers such as Laurice Temple, Amanda Rose, Nicola Mills and Fiona Vines, the panel includes respected male speakers including Chris Lamb, Barry Borzillo, Neil Dalrymple and Peter Birtles.

Take this opportunity to hear what men have to say about diversity – what they think, how they feel and what they can see going on around them.  Listen to their ideas and their suggestions.  Help us put the balance back into this important conversation and take it with you, back to your workplaces.

In fact, let’s really aim for balance on the night.

Tickets for the Sydney and Melbourne Diversity Debate Dinners are available now.


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