How women will power an energy-saving initiative - Women's Agenda

How women will power an energy-saving initiative

I was invited to participate in an energy-saving scheme aimed at women. A co-initiative of The City of Sydney and the climate change activist organisation 1 Million Women, the plan is to find 10 women who reside in the City of Sydney local government suburbs to pilot the Women Power program.

As part of the program the 10 women chosen will each be given $400 worth of energy saving technology. In return the participants will become spokespeople for the initiative.

Founder and CEO of 1 Million Women Natalie Isaacs was a finalist in the Emerging Leader of a Public or Not-For-Profit Organisation category of the 2013 NAB Women’s Agenda Leadership Awards. She is hell-bent on harnessing the power of women to make a positive impact on climate, communities and the future for our children.

I met this extraordinary woman in December 2011 when I was invited to attend the official launch event for 1 Million Women by television executive Anita Jacoby. Anita knew that I would be keen to support an initiative that empowers women to take action on the things that could affect the future for our kids. In return I invited my good friend Eclettica owner and designer Alexia Gnecchi-Ruscone to attend the Sydney Town Hall event with me in the spirit of this not-for-profit organisation that encourages women to bring other women into the tent. Alexia and I were moved by what we heard and saw that morning and began to share the knowledge via our own networks of women.

The next time that Anita called to discuss 1 Million Women she was inviting me to another event featuring the inspiring Mary Robinson, Ireland’s first female President, hosted by AFL Commissioner and Virgin Australia director Sam Mostyn, alongside the likes of Wendy McCarthy and Romilly Madew. I felt honoured to be included in that circle of high-achieving women. We were all there for the same reason. We believe that women can change the world. And the part of the world that Natalie Isaacs has in her sights is the resources that we need to sustain the planet.

We need to change the way we view energy consumption. Natalie has focused on women due to her belief in a mother’s innate concern for the future of her children. So I have decided to sign up to be one of the Power Women to trial the energy-saving program because I am convinced it’s worth a try. For the sake of all our children.


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