Five ways to stay fit for your career - Women's Agenda

Five ways to stay fit for your career

I decided to start my own business after a failed marriage. I had a young son, an average savings account, and little clue on what it meant to actually run a business. But I knew I had a burning desire to help people, and make a difference in their lives.

I had always been active, so becoming a personal trainer was a logical move. The crux of this story is this though – many savvy and professional women today are running highly successful businesses, but struggling with maintaining their health and home life. I was coming from the opposite direction – I had to learn how to be ‘fit to do business’, but had a pretty decent handle on being strong physically and emotionally.

Our health and wellbeing can be affected by our work life, and vice versa. I have seen women leave well paid jobs as a result of their ill-health. And I have also worked with women who have performed better in their jobs because they have invested time and energy into their bodies and health.

Women are doing amazing things in business – but we constantly put ourselves last on the self-care scale. Time is our biggest challenge. While learning to start my business over eight years ago, I established ways to apply my fitness theories into operating a business and managing a career that would give me the life balance I needed.

Balance means different things to different people, but it’s important to understand that everything around you, especially your career, flourishes when you do.

Here are the five ways to stay fit for your career:

  1. Be precious about putting ‘YOU’ time into your day. Schedule it into your diary, as if it were an appointment or meeting. Block it out, no questions asked.
  2. Use your ‘YOU’ time to do something that is not related to work. Book a massage, hair appointment, facial, sit in the park with a book .
  3. Exercise to increase your energy levels. You don’t have to slog it out at the gym to feel and look good. Short bursts of higher intensity exercise are far more effective in using your time wisely, and increasing your fitness levels quickly.
  4. Spend some time in meditation. Even if it’s only five minutes a day – research has proven that the benefits of quiet moments such as meditation can reduce stress levels, improve circulation and sleep patterns, and increase the quality of relationships and productivity. Sit under a tree, shut the door to your office, sit in your car – find a place that you can detach for a while. I have used the toilet cubicle to grab five minutes of quiet time in the past. Not glamorous, but it served a purpose!
  5. See the food you eat as your fuel. Longevity in the workplace will be affected not only by your strengths and skills, but your health. Eat quality foods and you will feel alert, energetic and more compelled to look after yourself. Eat poor foods and you will feel sluggish, stressed and may get sick more often.

You really are your biggest asset. By taking as little as ten minutes out everyday to invest in you, you can kickstart changes that will reach into your career and personal life.


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