Be Fire Proof - 5 tips on how to be invaluable - Women's Agenda

Be Fire Proof – 5 tips on how to be invaluable

The key to job security is in creating value for your organisation. It might seem basic but many fail to really understand and take action towards becoming a vital part of the company they belong to. Adding value doesn’t mean simply showing up on time and doing your job to the best of your abilities. Nor does it mean working long hours, weekends and becoming a slave to “the man”. It’s time to get creative about how you can become invaluable to your organisation.

Here are my 5 tips on how you can be a motivated and active company participant rather than just another employee:

Embrace your company’s purpose

Most companies have a vision and/or mission statement. However, how much of your day is actually driven by that? Probably not much. We tend to run our day based on the tasks we have in front of us, the projects we are working on and the end result. We fail to take into account how that fits into the business from a more macro perspective. Re-focus on what the company believes is their raison d’être and use that as a guide to how you conduct business. By doing this, not only will you be demonstrating your ability to align with company values but also the results you achieve will be far more important and valuable.

Look outside your cubicle

It can be easy to add extra effort in our own work space or even in our own team. However, where can you add value in other areas of the office? Look for what cross-functional projects you can be involved in. Unless you already work in HR, there is usually always an opportunity to assist in team development and general workplace wellness initiatives. Constantly ask yourself “what can I do to assist/help out/get involved in?”

Take the lead

Stepping up and leading can feel daunting. Added responsibility, higher visibility and new territory are all outside of our comfort zone. However, leading doesn’t mean dictating and needing to know it all. It means having a vision, feeling passion for the vision and then creating a team to help bring that vision to life. Don’t wait for an opportunity to fall on your lap. Seek it out. Where can you start to be the leader in your own work group?


In a technologically driven world, further education is at our fingertips. We can enroll in short, online courses at the click of a button and digest the content in our own time. It has never been easier to add more tools to our tool belt. Most companies are willing to pay tuition fees, employees just have to ask. However, if that is not an option, think of upskilling as an important investment in your future. Not only will it help to make you invaluable to your organisation but it will also make you far more attractive to future employers.

Ask for (and work on) feedback

No-one is perfect, and really, who needs that pressure? There are always ways we can improve and do our jobs better. Be active in seeking feedback from your managers and colleagues. I always suggest to use the frame work “Stop Doing. Start Doing. Keep Doing”. Then when you get that feedback, give yourself a deadline as to when you want to show improved results. Work on it, ask for help where necessary and celebrate the success you achieve. Not only are you demonstrating your willingness to go the extra mile but raising your KPI’s is only beneficial for the organisation.

Make it a goal to do at least one of the above tips and see how things change around you. Not only will you become an invaluable part of the organisation, you will also feel a renewed sense of purpose and satisfaction in doing what you do. And that is the biggest pay off of all!


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